United Nations 2030 Sustainable Goal 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
According to the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, if all students in low-income countries left school with elementary reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty. In other words, such basic action could result in a 12% cut in global poverty.
What a full year it has been putting into action our mission to provide meaningful outreach to resource-poor communities in Paraguay and to assist in the development of mutual respect and friendship between the people of Paraguay and the United States. Activities culminated during our annual trip in June 2023. For one month, directors and host country representatives traveled to communities where OutreachPARAGUAY has been active as well as to new communities. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting schools in Yuty and surrounding areas (Department of Caazapá) to promote early childhood literacy and a passion for reading. Participating schools were asked to creatively demonstrate an understanding of a book students had read utilizing local resources. Presentations surpassed our expectations! Each school received educational materials, including packets of books to “grow” libraries, along with either didactical material, maps, globes, and refurbished computers and projectors. Host country representatives include retired teachers who have been educated on the importance of early childhood literacy and strategies for developing early readers. They continue the work throughout the year sharing their expertise, time, and commitment to the children within their own communities.