We gather and ship donations throughout the year. A group of volunteers and OutreachPARAGUAY staff travel to Paraguay on an annual basis. As a result of the pandemic we were not able to travel this year.
We may not have been able to travel in June but shipments continue to arrive and are being distributed to resource-poor areas thanks to our friends and family in Paraguay.
Our current pandemic highlights the profound disparities in healthcare that exist throughout the world. The burden of disease (Covid-19) is tremendous in countries, like Paraguay, that already struggle to provide basic healthcare to its citizens. Limited resources and dollars have been internally diverted from public health programs to implement and sustain Covid-19 mitigation efforts and to obtain supplies, including PPE, mechanical ventilators, test kits, medicines, and other medical supplies.
Over the past year OutreachPARAGUAY has shipped greater than $5,000 of largely donated items to resource-poor areas of Paraguay. Among these items are:
· Durable Medical Equipment: Wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, shower chairs
· 500 hospital gowns
· Dental hygiene supplies
· Personal hygiene supplies
· Medical supplies
· Educational resources
· Classroom fans
· Clothing
Our work continues with the support of our freinds, family, and local community.